Dan Ukr Eng


Подробная информация о  № 16020001


Гражданство: Ukraine
Возраст: 37
Пол: Female
Иностранные языки и уровень (1-5):

English (4)

Предпочтительная сфера деятельности  (1, 2, 3...): Cattle (1)    Pigs (2)    
Опыт работы с сельхозтехникой - тип, всего месяцев, уровень (1-5)

Milking machine - 2 month (5)

Навыки вождения: Car - B

 Сельскохозяйственное учебное заведениеФакультетГод поступленияГод выпускаСпециальность
1.ILLINTSI STATE AGRARIAN COLLEGEInnovative Technologies of Animal Production20152018Animal Expert

Опыт работы за границей и квалификация: No

Сельскохозяйственная практика в Украине:
 ГодВсего месяцевНазвание и род деятельностиОбязанности
1.200240... since childhood - Family mixed farming near UmanCows, pigs and poultry breeding, feeding, milking, fodder preparing, castrarion piglets, vaccination, other
2.20152Dairy farm "Lustdorf", practical training of CollegeCow milking, feeding, care of calves, all other aspects of dairy farming

Семейное положение: Married
Дети: No
Рост, вес: 163 cm    63 kg
Курение: Never
Специальная диета: No
Проблемы со здоровьем: No
Немного обо мне:

I am very openminded person, easygoing, with a good sense of
humor, cheerful and try to be always positive and share my positive with
others. I am honest and a busy bee. )))
I love the village where I live and a people which live there.
I have the kindness family which take care of me, giving a lot of support.
I have a husband who loves me.
I think I am happy, but I need to get to my aim to realize myself, and I think the practice in Denmark helps me a lot to do that. I want to develope my
little farm that I have to bigger one.


Мое хобби:

I have wide interests, but most of all I love sport and makу-up.
I am going for gym, sport makes me stronger in all the aspects of my life.
And I like to make people beautiful, to show real beauty of woman with help of make up.
And of course I like to travel, like animals, and love good music.


Что я хотел бы изучить на практике за рубежом:

I want to improve my knowledge in animal farming and advanced technology of feeding, keeping, vaccination, giving medicine, cleaning, making ration.


Мои мечты на будущее:

My dream is to make my family happy, to have own big farm which will give good profit and benefit for me and my country.


Что я хотел бы сделать с деньгами, заработанными на практике:

Part of my money I will give to my father, becouse I want him to take a
course of treatment and part of tham I will use for my family



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